I know I have asked myself this question many times over the years. Up until now, my answer has always been, I don't think I have anything to add to the collective internet conscious. I'll admit, I'm still not entirely sure that I do, but I have spent most of my life on the internet and much of it as a tech nerd. As someone who is perpetually online as a career, I may not be able to write or contribute any combination of words that hasn't already been thought of, but I think that's a poor excuse to not add my voice to the collective digital consciousness. If singers in choirs decided to not show up to performances because their voice would only be one of many contributing to the whole, the music made would be far less beautiful as a result. That's one super overly philosophical way of saying I want to add my voice to the choir through this blog.

You might be asking yourself a new question now, I know I am: 'What's it going to be about'?

I don't have quite as good an answer for that question just yet. The plan is for this to mainly be an IT blog where I document my experiences as a professional nerd, indulge in a few rants, write up some helpful tips that I wish I would have known, and maybe mix in a few posts on a more personal level about living life in a digital world. I can't promise that it's going to be the most interesting read ever, and I probably won't be able to post as consistently as I might like. However, I've got a document of a bunch of post ideas about topics I want to write about, so it'd be an understatement to say I'm excited to get started. If even a few people stumble upon this site I think that'd make the effort worthwhile.