What's it all About?

I can't answer that for you! But, I can tell you what this site is about and a bit about myself too. Welcome to GTio.tech!

About this Blog

This blog is a home for all things tech and nerdy. It serves as a creative outlet, how-to-guide, place to rant about giant corporations, and likely much more. It's a work in progress but there are many interesting topics in the works!

About the Author

Hi, I'm Jay! I'm a professional nerd by trade and by choice. I've always had a deep love for technology ever since I was old enough to use a computer. Over the past few years, I've had the opportunity to turn that life-long interest into a career and I have found it to be an incredibly rewarding experience. I started this blog to serve as a platform to speak about my thoughts and experiences from throughout my career. I love to write and this blog is a fun, creative outlet that combines my appreciation for the written word with my love of technology. It's a labor of love and I truly hope you enjoy!
